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Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on The Effect of Climate Change on Maritime Zones
The Fourth IPCC Assessment Report shows high confidence that the world is warming. Small island countries, developing countries and Least Developed countries remain most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. For countries like the Marshall Island, with atoll islands situated just a few meters high from sea level, any uncontrolled sea-level rise has the potential to submerge land areas. Furthermore, climate change impacts could include increased tropical cyclone activities and coastal erosion. Coral bleaching and ocean acidification due to warming also have the potential to affect tourism, fisheries and agriculture, and the ability of the corals to regenerate. Sovereignty claims over natural resources and territory could increase,†¦show more content†¦Presently, RMI by domestic legislation claims a territorial sea, contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone. There is no provision for an outer continental shelf area, despite studies showing huge mineral deposits. Rese arch also shows other implications of total submergence of territory or its gradual disappearance. The possibility of an Island becoming a â€Å"rock†, incapable of generating an exclusive economic zone or continental shelf, or totally losing its territorial sea due to submergence, are examples of the worst case scenario outlook. Without the certainty from baselines drawn pursuant to UNCLOS, RMI faces not only potential loss of maritime zones but increased incidences of inter-state conflict over natural resources and sovereignty claims. Innovative ways of preserving coastlines such as construction of shoreline protection, reinforcement and sea defenses, though permissible under international law, are not sustainable options. Hayashi suggests other measures to deal with sea level rise based on existing and new development in international law. The first, building of permanent structures on low-tide elevations that can be used as base points. This way, receding coastlines do not affect base points from which maritime zones are measured and makes permanent mapped baselines given due publicity despite changes in the low water line. The second, delineating the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf area, which ensures it, remains stableShow MoreRelatedThe Policy And Regulations On Ccs949 Words  | 4 Pages Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the Kyoto Protocol and the 1996 London Protocol. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) This Convention which first came into force in 1994 provides a legal framework which is completed by more specific treaties that aim to protect the marine environment. Under UNCLOS, the oceans/maritime areas are partitioned into zones to include a 12 nautical mile territorial sea, a 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the continentalRead MoreThe Paris Peace Accord945 Words  | 4 Pagesceasefire will be observed. 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