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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Removal Act Essay Should We Act With Violence Or...
IRA DBE Indians Removal Act Essay Should we act with violence or just have a civil conversation? Do we rely on trust for the sake of ourselves and others or do we see the face of death every time we turn our backs on people with such uncertainty? The indians was one of the most horrific acts of history. The act/law was passed on May 28th, 1830 during the presidency of the 7th president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson came up with law that forced Indian Tribes such as the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminoles, etc, to move west the the Mississippi River to gain their ancestral land. They promised the Indians a more â€Å"civilized life†but ended up going in the other direction. The Indian Removal Act was a step in the direction because they chose to solve the action with violence and instead of simply having a negotiation in a conversation. The soldiers, in my state of mind, acted/ overstepped their boundaries. They took advantage of their authority they were given and handled this the way they should not handle anything. One step in the wrong direction that occurred , they way the transported the Native Americas. Some people may have believed the American acted correctly in this situation. They deserved to be whipped, beat, starved, shot, and put into warfare. They treated them the way they would treat slaves but put them in much harsher environments. The American forced them into warfare while famine and disease was spreading throughout their own people. AndShow MoreRelatedState of Emergency: Legal and Political Implications in Nigeria5586 Words  | 23 Pagesimplement emergency preparedness plans. It can also be used as a rationale for suspending rights and freedoms, even if guaranteed under the constitution. 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